Four Kings Casino
Social Questions - Printable Version

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Social Questions - DL_Jared - 01-05-2024

How do I chat?
You can chat with other users by using the chat window, on the left of your screen. Using a USB keyboard will be easiest, but the controller will work as well. You can begin text entry either by pressing the left trigger, this will immediately display text entry. You can then type your message in the input box, and press the "Enter" key or X to send.

The icons across the top of the chat window will allow you to filter which chat channels are being displayed.

Golden Crown: All - You will see all chat messages that users send to you and players around you.
Orange: Global (/G) - You will see and send messages addressed to ALL players in the current room.
White: Local (/L)- You will see and send messages only to and from players in your immediate vicinity.
Blue: Table (/T) - You will see and send messages only to players currently at your table.
Purple: Private (/P) - You will see private messages that you send to other players, and private messages that are sent to you.
Green: Notifications - You will only see system messages created by the game for you.

How do I send a private message?
Sending a private message or PM is very simple. When in game, bring the chat window to its active state by pressing the left trigger. Then from the chat channels, use the directional pad to select the purple envelope icon. This will open the PM tab where you can begin your private messaging. You’ll now notice a text field beside in the chat text entry field – this is where you can type the username of the person you wish to PM. You need to make sure the spelling is correct, or the message will not send.

You can also PM friends by accessing your Friends List from the Main Menu, or by typing “/P” in the text entry field.

How do I customize my avatar?
To customize your character, open the main menu by pressing Options/Start/+, then select the “Avatar Customization” button to enter the wardrobe. In the wardrobe you can change the clothes your avatar is wearing.

First, select a category on the left to choose which item to change. This will bring up a list of available items along the right side of the wardrobe. Here you can choose the new item and color you wish to equip.

To customize your avatar, press the button in the top-left to switch to avatar customization. Here you can change hair, gender, skin color and facial features in the same way as the wardrobe. First select the category you wish to change, then the feature you want from the right side.

How do I emote? / How do I dance?
To perform emotes, including dances, you can open the emote menu by pressing the right bumper or Z on keyboard. This will bring up a list of emote categories. Simply select the category, then the emote you wish to perform and select it.

Can I gift chips to Friends?
You can gift chips by going to a Chip Station in the casino, then pressing the interact button to activate it. These stations are marked by the floating 3D chip above it.

Once you have entered the Chip Station, select "Gift Chips”. Then choose how many chips you would like to gift. Next, select the friend that you want to send the chips to. Once you confirm your purchase, the Sony Purchasing Window will deduct the funds from your Wallet.

After that is done, your friend will receive the chips. What a great gift!

How can I get new clothes?
You can get new clothes in a variety of ways! Some are unlocked by completing challenges within the Casino. Most are available to be purchased in the stores on the top floor of the Casino, using the RP that you accumulate from playing any of the games. Some clothes are exclusive for Real Money purchases.

To purchase clothes using RP, you can walk up to the counter of a store on the top floor of the casino, and press the indicated button to interact with it. You will find yourself in the store interface, where you can try on new clothes. Once you are happy with what your avatar is wearing, you can purchase your new clothes with the green checkout button at the bottom right. You will go through different windows informing you about the clothing and total RP involved in the purchase. Once you confirm your items and RP costs, you can complete your purchase by clicking on the green checkout icon.

You can also access the stores from the main menu.

Do I have a personal space?
Everyone gets a complimentary hotel room just for entering The Four Kings. Head to the elevators at the left or right side of the main Casino entrance to enter your personal space. You can accumulate more personal spaces by purchasing them in our in-game Escapes store. There are two additional premium escape options for cash purchase, or the Penthouse available for 1 million RP!

What can I do if I’m being harassed?
If you are being harassed, you have two options: You can block them, or you can report them.  If you are standing near the offending party in the casino, the fastest way to do these is to face them with your avatar, then press the indicated button visible under their name to bring up the Interact menu. This brings up a list of actions that you can do, two of them are blocking and reporting.

Once you block a user, you will no longer be able to see their chat messages or their avatar in the casino. If you need to un-block somebody, you can go to the friends menu by pressing “OPTIONS”, then selecting the “Blocked” tab, where you can see a list of users you blocked. You can press the button with the X under the list to remove them from blocked list.

If you choose to report someone, you will be shown a text input box where you can fill in the details of the reason for the report. Once you are done, select the checkmark button to submit your report. You are given 5 reports per week, so be sure to report only once per incident.