The last couple of season results are posted in the General News board on this forum, save for results for PC are usually posted over on the Steam forums.
This is quite sad that Digital Leisure didn’t even bother to “at least” preserve the records of the all the past leaderboard winners; especially those that played on PlayStation 4 since the very beginning such as myself back in 2015/2016 where I had many top 10 LB records.
Luckily I managed to preserve them for myself and got them on my PC somewhere before Digital Leisure decided to masacre the old site. Just very weird and such a shame DL didn’t do this themselves and post them as archives for people to see as it’s always so much fun to come back and look at past leaderboard winners and their scores and compare to current/recent winners.
- Four Kings Season 13 Global Leaderboard Champion on PS4 -
-The ORIGINAL Big 6 #1 Leaderboard Champion Season 1 (2015/2016)
I was eager to check out the leaderboards from the earlier seasons for comparison. Sadly, those results are no longer available since the company deemed our 3 months of hard work and dedication unworthy of being transferred to the new forum lol -_-